Hello there! I’m honored that you are considering me to review your novel! Below I have included some information and guidelines in order to benefit both of us. Please read these carefully before contacting me with your request.
Books I Am NOT Accepting:
– Non-fiction
– Paranormal
– Adult
– Memoirs
– New Adult
Books I’m Accepting:
(Teen fiction and YA in the following genres)
– contemporary/realistic
– science fiction
– mystery
– dystopian
– fantasy
– historical fiction
Forms I Will Accept:
– physical copy (paperback or hardcover)
– digital copies
– audiobooks
What You Should Include In Your Review Request:
– the summary of your book
– the release date
– any relevant information (especially why you think your book would be a good fit for me and my blog)
– your website and additional social media, if applicable
– if you have a time frame for when you expect the review to be posted, please let me know as that will greatly influence my decision to review your book
What Happens If I Accept Your Book For Review?
If I accept your offer, I will provide my mailing address for physical books, and after the book is received and read, a review will be posted to Disappearinink.com and my Goodreads account. I will also promote your book on Instagram.
If the book is an ARC, I will try to publish the review on or around the release date.
I do not guarantee that the book will be read immediately or posted on the blog immediately. I also reserve the right to NOT post a review of your book should I not feel comfortable doing so.
What If I Didn’t Enjoy Your Book?
All of my reviews are my honest opinion and it is possible that I may not enjoy your book. By sending a review request to me, you are acknowledging that a review may be negative but respectfully so. Such reviews are not intended to be rude or mean-spirited, but simply an honest reflection of my thoughts on the book.
In addition to reviews, I am also open to:
– giveaways: I will only post a giveaway of a book I have read or am anticipating to read!
– blog tours: As with giveaways, I have to have interest in the book being promoted or have enjoyed it. I only do blog tours with interesting, exclusive content that is valuable to my readers.
– guest blogging: I am interested in guest blogging on other blogs relevant to my own content.
Where should you contact me with your review request?:
megan (at) disappearinink (dot) com
Please allow one to three business days for my response. I look forward to hearing from you!